Journal of Agricultural research and Aquatic Science

Journal Index – 5                                                                                          Time to  Acceptance for publication – (5-7 days)

Journal impact factor –  0.1                                                                   Time to processing to publish – (10-15 days)


Journal of Agricultural research and Aquatic Science is an open access and peer review journal which deals with the study of principles in all agricultural and aquacultural areas (Crop and Vegetable Sciences, Fruit Science and Viticulture, Zootechnics, Soil Management, Phytomedicine, Agricultural Engineering, Food Technology and Biochemistry, Agricultural Economics, aquaculture, Fish culture and production, Marine biology, Aquatic physiology, fish pathology, Oceanography, Coastal Studies and Biosciences.)

 The Journal provides latest research and development methodologies which helps the viewers and readers to cope with the recent advances in Agricultural and Aquatic Sciences and publishes high quality articles which are freely accessible after peer-review process.

 Articles will be peer-reviewed by researchers and scholars which gives a good scope for new development and research in the field Agricultural and Aquatic Sciences